Links to old articles, videos, blog posts, and more -- all about our favorite stripper pageant and Vegas museum.

Have I ever been? No! Did I get accepted to perform? NOPE! Do I have set plans on who will watch my Tazmanian Devil of a toddler while I’m frolicking with burly unicorns for a week in June? HELL NO! Am I so excited that I’ve already started buying outfits? HELL YEA!
The Burlesque Hall of Fame has been calling out to me for a little less than a year now. Sure, I knew about BHoF before I started performing, but it wasn’t until BHoF 2018 that I caught a strong case of the FOMO. As I sat there constantly refreshing my newsfeed to see what people were wearing and who won what - including who would be our new Queen of Burlesque, eeeeeeek - I knew that I just *had* to be there in 2019. And I promised myself that come hell or high water, I will be at BHoF this year with bells on (and maybe pasties, too).
It’s literally everything my pageant-girl dreams are made of!
So if you’re anything like me, you’re way too f excited about something that’s happening like, four whole f months away. Here’s some reading that may help to tide you over, curated through Google stalking at 3am:
Angel Goddess Sparkly Devil’s BHoF Survival Guide - gawd I wish I coulda met her!! A stripper-writer after my own heart.
Valentina Orbit’s blog post, including her first time to BHoF in 2013, and her breathtaking Debut last year (including some heartfelt words about rejection and never giving up)
A Miss Exotic World judge’s perspective, written for an academic dance textbook (see Chapter 15): Miss Exotic World - Judging the Neo-Burlesque Movement
the #BHoF tag on Instagram… it’s lit, #tbt style. Watch out for Baseball Hall of Fame posts (boooo!!), pay special attention to Boobs Hall of Fame posts (score!), and get ideas on what folks like to wear (or not wear) at BHoF
Sukki Singapora’s 2015 Best Debut Video Diary - here, here, and here
Apparently, there’s bowling. See video evidence from 2016 here.
REVIEWS! (Whenever I come across a non-glowing review of any act, I get super defensive as if I’m the performer. FUN!) See 21st Century Burlesque.
Burlesque Beat’s BHoF Archives
“State of the Tarte,” a short informative doc about BHoF
I’m sure I'll be bookmarking more fun BHoF content out there to help quench my thirst while we wait for June! I’ll add them as I find them. <3